
We are well known throughout the UK for providing a professional, accurate and reliable service.

What We Offer

Meeting your requirements for volumetric capacity tables, safety insurance, environmental obligations and more, we provide the following professional services:

  • External Tank Calibration
  • Internal Tank Calibration
  • Tank Settlement Survey
  • Floating Roof Seal Survey Measurement
  • Water Calibration

External Tank Calibration

Suited to above ground storage tanks, the external method of tank calibration requires 5 tripods and tribachs (minimum) to ensure the E.O.D.R can be re-sited all around the tanks outer shell. Access to the top of the tank is also required in order to fit retro-reflective tape targets. Clear access to the tank shell and heads is required and the tanks do not need to be empty or clean. External Tank Calibration can be conducted in most weather conditions.

Internal Tank Calibration

A practical and accurate method of calibrating insulated storage tanks, the internal E.O.D.R. method enables more precise measurements to be taken and less assumptions made on the tank construction. Internal diameters are measured with an internal tank gauge as well as the barrel lengths and head profile. Deadwood can be measured precisely. Internal tank calibration is not affected by inclement weather.

Tank Settlement Survey

A tank settlement survey assesses and determines a tank's suitability for service. Measurements taken during the survey will conclude whether the tank requires expensive floor repairs, foundation repairs or other. A typical survey

  • Floor Survey
  • Tank Shell Settlement Evaluation
  • Shell Roundness Survey

Floating Roof Seal Survey Measurement

An accurate roof weight measurement is required for tanks with floating roofs, call us today to arrange a Floating Roof Seal Survey.

Water Calibration

If you have the nominal dimensions of your water tank from which the volume may be calculated, you may not need to call in our specialist tank calibrator, but please give us a call for expert advice.

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